Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Crucible Cast List

Reverend Samuel Parris: Liam Neeson
I picked Liam Neeson to play the part of the reverend because i think he fits it well. He is a very talented and experienced actor. He can also be a leader in movies. Plus, he looks like a good reverend.

 Taraji P. Henson: Tituba
I chose Taraji Henson as Tituba. She has been in several movies including a couple very popular movies having main parts. She is a good actress. She can be very convincing and she fits the description of Tituba.

Abigail "Abby" Williams: Salina Gomez
Salina Gomez is so good looking and that's part of the reason why I picked her to play Abby in the movie. She is also a witch in a TV show so she knows how to be witchy. She is also a good liar because of her other acting parts. She was a leader in other acting films so she would be a good leader of the girls. Not to mention that she is drop dead gorgeous.

Thomas Putnam: George Clooney
This dude right here is perfect for the part as Thomas Putman. Thomas Putnam is supposed to be a wealthy land owner and Mr. Clooney knows how to be wealthy. Because he is. He is also a very experienced actor and I just think that he is a good fit.

Goody Ann Putnam: Megan Fox
I picked Megan Fox to be Ann Putnam  because I think that she will play this role well. She is Thomas Putnam's wife so she is wealthy also. She will be able to act wealthy well. Megan Fox can also be pretty dramatic and Ann Putman seems to be kind of dramatic so Megan fits well.

John Proctor: Caleb Casas
John Proctor was a good looking farmer in the movie. This guy is a good looking dude that looks like he could be a good farmer. I also think that he can be hard working and be very successful as John Proctor in the movie.

Goody Elizabeth Proctor: Hillary Swank
I think that Hillary Swank will make a great Elizabeth Proctor.  Elizabeth Proctor is the wife of a farmer so she doesn't need to be super fancy. I think that Hillary Swank is perfect for this role because in lots of her other films she wasn't exactly the fanciest. Because of her acting experience she knows how to be serious and good at the same time.

Mary Warren: Demi Lovato
I think that Demi Lovato is a good fit for Mary Warren. She is a good actor for how young she is and I think that she would be very good at lying. Mary Warren easily gives into pressure in the movie and I think that Demi would be able to play that right.

Goody Rebecca Nurse: Betty White
I picked Betty White to play Rebecca Nurse because Rebecca Nurse is supposed to be an old grandma that is very nice. Betty White is obviously a grandma and super nice and fun so I think that she'd be a great Rebecca Nurse.

Reverend John Hale: Tom Hanks
Tom Hanks is a great actor that has a whole bunch of experience. He is good in almost every part he's played in, especially the serious parts. John Hale is a minister and a witch craft expert in the Crucible. Tom Hanks would make a great minister.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Get To Know You

 5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
• I was being 5.
• I was in kindergarten.
• I was a serious cowboy.
• I was not a rocker.
• I was freaking sweet.

5 things I was doing 5 years ago:
• I was a classy cub scout.
• I was in baby school.
• I was fat!

• I was a mormon.
• I was talking to my mom.

5 things I was doing 1 year ago:
• I was in band. 
• I was running every day.
• I was searching for my inner self.
• I was trick or treating with my best friend.
• I was having a good time.

5 things I was doing yesterday:
• I was watching Spongebob. 
• I was playing with my friends.
• I was at the BYU game with most excellent people.
• I was listening to tons of music.
• I was playing piano.

                                         5 snacks/treats I enjoy:
• Kit Kats
• Starbursts
• Chips and salsa
• Doughnuts
• Cake

5 Songs I think I Know All the Words To
 Piano Man (Billy Joel)
 Mrs. Robinson (Cake) 
 Shiver (Maroon 5)

Your Guardian Angel (Red Jumpsuit Apparatus)
Boombox (Bassnectar)

5 things I would do with $100 million:

• I would buy a super sweet house.
• I would go on a way awesome trip with my best buds.
• I would save a bunch.

• I would buy a giraffe.
• I would buy a 1970 Corvette.

5 locations I would like to escape to:
• San Dimas
• New York
• Australia
• Central America
• Figi.

5 bad habits I have:
• I stay up way too late.
• I waste tons of time.
• I eat a whole bunch of junk food.
• I procrastinate.
• I love to sleep in.

5 things I like to do:
• I like to not run.
• I like to play with my friends.
• I like to go places.
• I like to go watch movies.
• I like to have band practice.
5 TV shows I like:
• Spongebob
• The King of Queens
• 1000 Ways to Die
• The Office
• Arthur

5 biggest joys at the moment:
• My gang
• My band
• Girls
• Music
• Bowling

I’m happiest when … I’m having a great time.

Someday I’m going to … 
be a rockstar.

When I’m really down, what I want to do is … hang out with my gang.

I feel anxious … before a race.

I like people who …super cool.

All it takes to make me happy is … for nothing terribly terrible to happen.

What I really want to do is … go on a long trip with my best buddies

I wish that … it was warmer outside.

I don’t like when people are … super annoying.

A person really should ... be awesome.

I just hate it that … it’s cold outside.

I just love it that ... I’m going to California twice in December.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

This Is It

My Favorites

Color: Blue
Band: Maroon 5 & Cake
Candy Bar: Kit Kat
Person in the Whole Wide World: My Mommy
Thing to Do: Jam with my band