Sunday, November 20, 2011

Get To Know You

 5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
• I was being 5.
• I was in kindergarten.
• I was a serious cowboy.
• I was not a rocker.
• I was freaking sweet.

5 things I was doing 5 years ago:
• I was a classy cub scout.
• I was in baby school.
• I was fat!

• I was a mormon.
• I was talking to my mom.

5 things I was doing 1 year ago:
• I was in band. 
• I was running every day.
• I was searching for my inner self.
• I was trick or treating with my best friend.
• I was having a good time.

5 things I was doing yesterday:
• I was watching Spongebob. 
• I was playing with my friends.
• I was at the BYU game with most excellent people.
• I was listening to tons of music.
• I was playing piano.

                                         5 snacks/treats I enjoy:
• Kit Kats
• Starbursts
• Chips and salsa
• Doughnuts
• Cake

5 Songs I think I Know All the Words To
 Piano Man (Billy Joel)
 Mrs. Robinson (Cake) 
 Shiver (Maroon 5)

Your Guardian Angel (Red Jumpsuit Apparatus)
Boombox (Bassnectar)

5 things I would do with $100 million:

• I would buy a super sweet house.
• I would go on a way awesome trip with my best buds.
• I would save a bunch.

• I would buy a giraffe.
• I would buy a 1970 Corvette.

5 locations I would like to escape to:
• San Dimas
• New York
• Australia
• Central America
• Figi.

5 bad habits I have:
• I stay up way too late.
• I waste tons of time.
• I eat a whole bunch of junk food.
• I procrastinate.
• I love to sleep in.

5 things I like to do:
• I like to not run.
• I like to play with my friends.
• I like to go places.
• I like to go watch movies.
• I like to have band practice.
5 TV shows I like:
• Spongebob
• The King of Queens
• 1000 Ways to Die
• The Office
• Arthur

5 biggest joys at the moment:
• My gang
• My band
• Girls
• Music
• Bowling

I’m happiest when … I’m having a great time.

Someday I’m going to … 
be a rockstar.

When I’m really down, what I want to do is … hang out with my gang.

I feel anxious … before a race.

I like people who …super cool.

All it takes to make me happy is … for nothing terribly terrible to happen.

What I really want to do is … go on a long trip with my best buddies

I wish that … it was warmer outside.

I don’t like when people are … super annoying.

A person really should ... be awesome.

I just hate it that … it’s cold outside.

I just love it that ... I’m going to California twice in December.


  1. so your post was really very interesting. i mean where the heck is San Dimas? and i like arthur too 1000 ways to die is hilarious. i'm really truly wondering if there is a band named cake.... i'll have to look that up.

  2. I still have a hard time believing that you are in a band! I'm a little curious why you would buy a giraffe.....but whatever!

  3. Kaden you were probably the best cowboy in the world.I better be going on the trip with you when you get the money.
